
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Holy Shit Who's Back?!

Yo frannnds, yes it is me. No, I did not die. I apologize for being gone so long. I needed to get off the blog for a while, and I just sort of forgot about it for a bit. But all is well now, and I am here. So recently I have being feeling extremely hipster and getting into the indie music scene and hipster clothing. Eventually I will enter into the entire hipster transformation! If you are hipster, please tell me, where do they buy all their clothes? Do you automatically become bad ass if you become hipster? To me hipster is a lifestyle, and I love it.

Guess what? I got my G2!!!! I can drive by myself now and it is sooooo exciting. The other day I had the windows down, music blasting and I was just jamming as I drove along and it was awesome. Driving makes me feel so grown up now. For some reason, when I first got my license, I didn't feel like I was old enough to drive. My whole life I've felt like a child. I have an older brother that I have always looked up to, and when I see his friends, they treat me like "Dave's Little Sister!". It's not a good lable, the don't talk about important things infront of me, nudity in movies should not be watched by me, and they feel bad when the swear infront of me. Seriously, I'm not a child and I've heard waaay worse in highschool. Then there's those stupid bitch people who still looks at me like little Jennifer, the cute, smart, nerd girl who never does anything bad. Which is true, and I am proud of, but that doesn't mean I'm retarded. I have accepted that I will never be 'cool' in their eyes, but I will definitly be better than them when they are lying in gutters due to alcohol poisoning and being addicted to hard drugs. Which trust me, is not far from the truth right now.

I would also like to let y'all know that I am going to be attending The Script concert on Tuesday!! Yes it is finally here! I am soooo excited, and will post a shit ton of pictures when it comes.

Also, never read or watch the movie 'The Crucible'. It is retarded and I want to slap every character in that book. Since when can a 17 year old who had sex with a 30 year old get angry and be like "that chick's a witch! Now everybody dies! Yay!!!". Who the fuck in their right mind would believe a dumb bitch like her? What the hell has the world come to. Thank god that was like the 1700s and not today. I would kill myself before I subject myself or anyone else to that nonsense. Also, I have an inkling that Reverend Hale is gay, or atleast the one in the movie. (For a great post on dumb bitches click here..I also recomment you read the rest of that blog considering it is hilarious and has a great story goin on).

Anyways, nothing else interesting or fun is going on in my life but I will be back on again, hopefully before another 3 months goes by......


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