
Monday, September 5, 2011

being the adult in the conversation

This is another looking back to when I was little post, now that I am entering grade 12 (tomorrow..but I'll get to that later), that means I can almost be considered an adult...almost. So anyways, remember when your parents would force you to say, call your grandparents, or talk to your great aunt on the phone to thank her for the card she got you for your birthday...and the conversation would be completely one sided because you have absolutely no idea what to say to these people? You would go over the same questions like, hows school? hows piano/guitar/dance/insert activity here lessons? hows your dog? are you enjoying ____? etc etc...blah blah blah. Anyways, these conversations were always to be avoided because its actually the worst most awkward thing ever. But now that I'm older, and have littler cousins, they are the ones who are being subjected to these conversations....with me. I've never had this experience before until, I was talking to my aunt on the phone, having a normal conversation because I now know how to be social without being rude to relatives, and she suddenly hands the phone to my little cousin who obviously has no idea what to say. Neither did I. So of course I turned to those stupid questions..."so are you excited for school? what grade are you going into again?" responses all one worded of course. This was a very weird experience for me, since I was always used to being the one who answered the questions, not asked them. Eventually I was just like...okay uh can you hand the phone back now....thanks. Let's not repeat that again.

Anyways, it's that time of year again...I have to go back to school tomorrow :(. But, it's my last year of high school..then off to university some where...I can't believe I actually have to start applying in a couple of months.

On another note, I'm almost done the room reno! It looks freaking I just have to finish cleaning all my random crap off the floor that I have no idea what to do with. yay....


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