
Sunday, July 3, 2011

lots and lots of thinking

I apologize for my last post, I was in a really bad mood (I think that was apparent....) and needed to do a quick vent. Back to normal now, summer is in full swing and I have been working a lot. I work on average four shifts a week and I am expecting that to go up to five by mid July. Most of my shifts are morning shifts which means I work all day. I have no complaints about that though because I need the money. I have been putting 2 thirds of every cheque towards university. Last week I worked 9.5 hours for one of my shifts but on average they are like 6-7 hours. Pay day is sweet to say the least. The good thing about work besides the money is A) the tips (I just rolled forty dollars in coin) and B) it gives me structure. I actually hate summer, the late nights and sleeping in in the morning screws me up. I like getting up for school everyday and following a routine. I thrive on structure and summer days get me lost. I like the break from schoolwork but its so annoying...and the heat sucks. I like fall. Fall is fun.

So lately I have been thinking A LOT about travelling...more specifically about going on exchange. I started thinking about it a few years ago, but then stopped thinking about it because I could not afford the 8 thousand (and more) dollar price tag. Then last year my moms friend mentioned Rotary. Rotary is a worldwide club that works in other countries to stop Polio and is a service above self organization. Part of the organization is increasing world ties, therefore youth exchange. Rotary Youth Exchange sponsors students to go to another country for an entire year. The best part of Rotary is the whole sponsor part. Basically you cover the plane ticket and visa plus your spending money and thats it. Sometimes your host club even gives you monthly spending money. Everything else is covered by Rotary. They find the host family and school and even sponsor events while in your country. Theres tons more but you get the picture. Its awesome. The exchange website is here. I've also read a ton of outbound student's blogs and watched tons of youtube videos. I may even say I am an expert on Rotary exchange. The one downside is that you arent guaranteed to get your first choice of country. Basically when your local club decides to sponsor you, they send your application to clubs in the other countries that you want to go to, and then whichever one decides to accept you is the country you get. My first choice would be France, but if France doesn't except me I am also considering Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway...pretty much anywhere in Europe. I just need to go somewhere, far far away. Not that I don't like Canada, I love where I live and I love all my friends and family. I just need something new and something challenging. Something that I get to do on my own, that is just mine. I want to immerse myself in a new culture and language and meet new and interesting people. There are ups and downs, obviously I would be extremely homesick but there are bumps to get over and lots of amazing opportunites and experiences that I would love to do. The only thing that I need is more volunteering, because of the whole service above self part, they like to accept students that are involved in teh community. I am involved at school but I dont' do a lot in my city, so I am going to contact some people tomorrow and then hopefully apply for Rotary in August or September! (fingers crossed...). My parents have been supportive for the most part, probably because I have done so much research and am able to answer every single question they have asked me. Hopefully everything works out and I can apply. I don't like the fact that I will have to start university a year later but this would be sooooo worth it!!

Other than that. Nothing is new. Nothing. I started cleaning my room today....I was going to do it like 3 weeks ago but never got around to it...I procrastinate...a lot. One upside to summer though is that I get to watch movies in my backyard! I'm having some friends over this weekend to watch them with the projector outside. Fun stuff. Maybe I will start blogging regularily again. That would be good. I'm thinking a facelift is in order. This layout is getting old and I don't really think its that me. New will come. I promise...maybe even soon....whole life makeover....

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