
Thursday, July 14, 2011

stereotypical pedophiles and a segway sighting + HARRY!

I was trying to come up with a good idea about something interesting to blog about...I really have nothing interesting that happens in my life or interests that I can consistently blog about. But, all it took was a trip to WalMart and BAM I saw a guy riding a segway down the road! It was so sick and now I want one really bad. I want to go to europe and take a sightseeing tour on a segway *adds bucket list*. So then when I was in Walmart, I saw a guy that looked like a pedophile. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was one. He fit the stereotypical pedophile look...including the rapist glasses. Creeeepy. Anyways, tonight I will be seeing the premier of the last and final HARRY POTTER MOVIE!! AHHH I'm so excited! Except for the fact that I will be getting 4 hours of sleep before I have to work in the morning, but that's okay. Harry Potter is totally worth in 100%. Except I'm so upset that now it will be over! Harry Potter has been my life for so long, I grew up reading the books and watching the movies that now I can't believe that it's done. It makes me sad..I really hope another book comes out eventually. Anyways. That's it.

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