
Thursday, July 21, 2011

work work work

Today was my 7th day of work in a row....and I work tomorrow...and then next Monday-Thursday. Damn I'm gonna have a nice pay check in a few weeks! I actually quite enjoy working. It's fun. I have a good job and its very air conditioned so this heat wave doesn't bother me all day...until I get home. My parents just turned on the A/C for the first time all summer 2 days ago. So I'm very accustomed to hot weather. So I'm definitely applying for an exchange at the end of August, early September!! I just have to get some more volunteer hours in...the last couple of attempts have failed miserably but I may have something with the autism society, I just have to wait until my mom's friend hears something from the girl she knows there. I think I help out, but I have nothing to show for all. It actually sucks really bad. I have completed all my hours for school but I still need more for it to actually look good on an application.

So, I saw Harry Potter again on Tuesday!!! It was just as amazing as the first time. I really want to read the books again, but I have like 10 other books on the go right now. Right now I am in the middle of The Girl Who Played With Fire. It's the second book in a trilogy...You may have heard of the first one, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I really need to finish them soon, because my grandpa lent me the third, but I haven't finished the second one yet. I also need to read a book that I got for Christmas...2 Christmases ago. I'm really bad about not reading books...I always buy like 3 books at a time, and I get one done, and then go buy more and read the new ones, I never read the ones I didn't finish. I also have a problem with starting books and not finishing them....

Summer has gone fast so's almost August...which means one month to school..but my birthday is August 7th!!! Soon!! I want money for my birthday. So if anyone asks, tell them money. I need money so I can go on an exchange..and buy things...and maybe afford university!!! Woah, that would be a miracle.

Nothing else is new.

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