
Sunday, July 10, 2011

yeah that didn't actually happen

so I said I would clean my room and I did kind of..but now it's sort of messy again. I will actually clean it though when I get the motivation. I always get the motivation right before school starts because I want a fresh start to the year and I love setting up all my school talk to me in a month...then maybe my room will be clean...but probably not. Anyways, back to school supplies. School supply shopping is my favourite time of the summer. Not that I like school work, but I love having all new things so it feels like I'm actually going to be organized. I tell myself every year that I am going to be organized but it never really happens. I have gotten a little better but it still ends up being a huge mess in my binder by the end of the year. I'm going shopping in the states for school supplies with my mom and two aunts on August 24th (yes we already have a date set). We have never set a date before, because usually it's just me and my mom on a day that we have available, but my aunts want to go, that live in kitchener and chatham so we had to set a day for them to come, and so I could book it off work. At Walmart in the states, the school supplies are SOOOO cheap!! So I can get a ton of stuff for like 20 bucks. It's awesome. I love school. Not the work part, but the socializing part and the structure part. I still find myself lost over the summer with nothing to do. It actually really sucks. Which is why I am sitting here. But I do love to blog so that should be fun. I went to kitchener yesterday. Nothing fun happened, but I had a two hour nap on the way there and back so that was good. I can always sleep in the car. Even if I'm not tired, I just put on my iPod and drift off. It so soothing. Long car rides are one of my favourite things to do. I don't understand why some people bring portable DVD players and need so much entertainment. Just put on some music and give me a window to look out and I'm set. Travelling has always compelled me. I can easily just stare out a window (or sleep) and be perfectly content. Sometimes I can read in the car, but sometimes I get sick so I just use my iPod. Sleep is fun and good. I may go read a book now....or clean my room...oh geez I need to pull it together.

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